Q Front Cover The 1975

Hello and welcome to the first of many magazine analyses. In this post, we are looking at Q Magazine's front cover for The 1975.
I really like the image on this front cover and it looks really good how one of the band members is actually overlapping the magazines logo. Also, I like how the inside stories are in clear text boxes and overlaps the band. This makes it look neat as they are all ordered and clearly visible. Another feature I have noticed is that they don't address their audience as if they have no musical knowledge. They call The Rolling Stones "The Stones" and mention Matt Healy, knowing that most of their audience will know he is the lead singer of the 1975.
There is a simple 3 colour scheme of red, black and white. This keeps it simple and even though there is a lot of content on the cover, it doesn't look messy because the colour scheme is the same throughout and even the smaller images of Oasis and Primal Scream fit in as they are similar colours. I do like how it is laid out but my feeling now is that I will keep mine more minimalist with less content on the front cover, but I am not 100% set on that. I do really like the image of the 1975 with the plain background but I think I might try to add some colour into the background and edit my image more as if the front cover is quite minimalist, there needs to be a really impressive photo to draw the audience in as there is less content.
