Q Magazine Contents Page Issue 306

Hello and welcome to another contents page review! Today we are looking at Q magazines contents page for their 306th issue.
I really like the simple layout to this page. The 4 images are all separated neatly into their own little box but Florence is coming out of hers, which makes the image even more eye catching than it already is. I also like the simple numbering of the articles with the red box and white text. It stands out very well and also fits in with the masthead logo, using the same colour scheme and style as the Q. I also like the layout of this page. As I said before, it is very simple with the images separated, but I also really like the contents down the left of the page. I like the faint lines that separate the various articles, as this keeps them neat. Looking at the summaries of the articles, I have noticed that they are quite informal and quite funny. For instance, in the Q Awards article, it says "You know who's won by now, but perhaps not what colour of sponge Gary Barlow prefers." I really like this as it sounds like a pointless article but at the same time, I actually really want to know what colour sponge he prefers. I am going to take more inspiration from this one than the NME contents page that I looked at in the previous blog because this is more minimalist and will flow better with the design of my front cover than if I was to make it have a lot of contents. I also like having more than 1 image on the contents page as it draws you to that image and if you are a fan of the artist, you will be immediately drawn to them and can see clearly what page they're on, rather than scrolling through the contents trying to find their page.
