Possible Magazine Names

I am currently having a bit of a dilemma choosing my magazine name. I am torn between quite a few names:

  • Amped
  • Stereo
  • Bold
  • Platinum
  • Blur
  • Rhythm
  • Supernova
I feel like all of these are viable options as they fit the rock 'n' roll genre, so I will be conducting a survey on 18-30 year olds to see which they like. I am choosing that age range as I think they are most likely to buy a rock and roll magazine, and I will be surveying both genders as everyone likes rock and roll. 

In the meantime, I am going to start designing my first initial magazines using "Amped" as this is my personal favourite from the list. The name is most likely to change but I am using it just for my rough cut. 
