Amusements Panorama

As I mentioned in the previous blog, I captured the image at the doorway with an iPhone camera. This was because it was too dark with the DSLR, and I couldn't get the correct lighting on my model. I will show you the failed attempt:
AS you can see, not only is it out of focus, but the attention is on the lights behind him and not on the artist himself.
When using the iPhone, it looks a little bit better but I am worried that this won't be good enough for my final product.

However, because it was shot on the iPhone, we had to make it a landscape shoot, which won't stretch well and keep it's quality over a portrait A4 document. This is my concern.
Oh well, as you all can tell, it looks great but I'm not sure if it will be usable for my final cut, I'll let you know if anything changes.
