Amusements Photo Shoot

I am delighted with what I got out of the photo shoot today. I got all of the shots I wanted and they look great, however, I wasn't allowed to take the DSLR camera inside of the amusements, so I had to use an iPhone to take the images, which still looked okay. After some colour correction, I can imagine I will be using them in the final cut of my magazine. Here are some of the photos I took on the DSLR:
I used my friend Joe Atkinson in this shoot as he looks a few years older than what he actually is, which matches the character bio I mentioned in a previous blog, and with the right costume, he really looks the part.

I really like the way the light reflects off his glasses, and only lights his face a little bit. I think although he isn't staring down the lens here, there is some definite attitude being shown as he doesn't care that a camera is in his face. I really think that after some editing, this could be potentially used as my front cover image.
I did also get the shot that I mentioned in the previous blog at the doorway but I had to use an iPhone panorama image to capture them, which didn't look that bad. However, they are just processing at the minute of writing this so I will have to show you guys tomorrow.
