Updated Ideas

Good morning, in this post, I am going to update you all on changes that have been made to my initial ideas.
I am going to move for a more styled indie magazine, as I have had an idea to shoot in the amusements near my home. This will provide some really nice lighting that I can have to light my models face, and have him wearing sunglasses, which will provide a beautiful reflection. The coloured lighting will be a theme throughout my magazine.
For the front cover, I am thinking of having the model perhaps playing on the claw machine, with the lights lighting him. For this I think I will use the 50mm fixed lens to capture a gorgeous photo. This will link to my double page spread as for the image, I will take it in a studio, with him holding a toy that he won on the machines, but perhaps ripping the head off the toy, to keep that attitude that I have mentioned in previous blogs. I will get some LED lights and put some colour filters across them to keep the theme shown in the front cover. However, in the double page spread image, I am thinking of having him wear a suit, but this is not fully confirmed.

For the contents page, I am thinking of having my model stood in the position of the image shown above, with the lights on and having him stood in front of the door and do a panorama image as it looks very nice and stylish. For another image on the contents, I currently have an image of a model lying in the grass next to his guitar. I think this wouldn't fit in that well with the rest of these because of the bright green grass, so I was thinking about potentially changing the grass' colour to a pink/purple to keep in with the theme. I was also thinking about taking a studio image of my brother for the "about the author" section of the contents, and maybe using the quick selection tool on photoshop to cut out the background, so he fits in with the rest of the background.

Well anyways, that was a quick update and I am confident I can capture these images, even though they have complex lighting. I will be following a YouTube tutorial of how to shoot with neon lights, which I will post the link in another blog.
