Initial Ideas

Good Evening!

This post is just to let you know which direction I'm thinking of going for this project.
I still have not yet decided if I am going to use a solo artist or a band for my main focus in my magazine. I am currently leaning more towards a solo artist as I think that if I could get one person who looks right, it could make it look great and it will be much easier than getting a group of people who look the part. With the magazines I've quickly skimmed through, the presence of one dominant person in the image looks really impressive. I think the lighting in the photo will be key in making it look good, as well as the editing of course. If the lighting is right, it can make a good photo great. For instance, this is one of the best looking photos I've seen featured in a magazine, and I will be posting an entire separate blog on this image but this photo that NME have here of Liam Gallagher is just fantastic. It really captures his "rockstar" attitude with the lighting here.

In my case, I probably won't be using a flare with the best rock and roll front-man in history (fact). I would still like to capture the attitude that is shown here, although it will be quite hard to get this with a teenager so I may have to do some looking at some slightly older people near me and see if I could get them in for a photo shoot.

I have also been looking at some steel wool photography. From what I have seen, I think the way to capture this is to light the steel wool, set the camera's shutter speed to really long, attach the wool to some string and swing it around. It sounds strange I know, but just look at the effect created:

Although this wouldn't really work with a rockstar attitude, it is still something to consider as it looks brilliant and is relatively easy to do, as long as I can find somewhere that is safe to do so.

Another technique that I am considering is the "double exposure" effect. This is pretty much when there is 2 images merged into one to give it a really dramatic and professional look. Here is an example:
I am going to have to have a think and see which one will really fit my style of magazine, but I am not too sure what genre I am going to focus on yet so this decision will have to be made at a later date.

I'm off to have a play around and see what will look best, see you in the next blog!
