Q Mag Front Cover Noel Gallagher

Welcome back to the front cover review! In this post, we are looking at Q Magazines front cover featuring Noel Gallagher.
I personally really like the look of this front cover. The front is a very simple font but yet looks so impressive. I like the photo and the lighting of it. The lighting on the front of his face looks really nice and makes it look very professional against a simple background. This photo is quite different as Noel isn't looking down the lens of the camera which is a feature that is in all of the other covers we have looked at so far. The simple 3 colour scheme looks very smart and fits well with the simplicity of the image. I also like the tagline "The Emperor Strikes Back". This is obviously a pun using the Star Wars title and the fact that Noel gets called "The Emperor". I have noticed the little dividers that space between the 3 stories on the right side of the page. I really like these, they are such a minor detail but make the magazine look that little bit better.
In terms of what I'm going to do for my magazine, I really like the font style featured here. It is very simple and looks very nice. I think for my image I'm going to have the model looking down the lens to capture that personality and attitude of the model. I like the idea of having a tagline somewhere on the front cover to add more persona to the artist. I also really like those dividing lines between the stories and might just have to use them on my front cover. The simplicity of the red, black and white colours is very nice. I will be sticking to 3 main colours on my front cover, the colours depending on what my front cover image looks like.
