NME Double Page Spread LG

Good morning, in this post we are looking at NME's double page spread for Liam Gallagher.

The first thing that you notice about this page is the image. It instantly captures your attention through the use of the pyro and the lighting. The image is amazing as it looks as if the only thing that is lighting the image is the pyro that he is holding. It makes him look very menacing with the dark background and the sunglasses to hide his eyes. This totally gives off the badass rockstar attitude that Liam Gallagher has. I will have to think of something that my artist is doing in my image that gives off the same attitude.

The next thing you notice after the image is the quote, which is placed over the fire. This quote is very clever as he is causing absolute chaos with the pyro, and the quote says he's zen. It is a complete contrast of what you see in the image so it works very well. The font also keeps in theme with the image as it is black, which stands out against the brightness of the flame, but still fits in with Liam's glasses, hair colour and the dark background. I will need to think of a headline which not only links to the artist's attitude, but links to the image, which could potentially make the audience laugh.

The one thing I am not a fan of in this page is the article. I personally think it looks as if it has just been shoved in at the end. It doesn't really look like it should be on the page as the clear cut off almost ruins the image and the plain white background looks quite boring. I would personally have just put the writing over the image, maybe using a white text colour. I am going to have my artist sat to the left of the image, so I have space on the right of the image across the other page to write my article/headline. However, I have noticed they still use a drop capital for the start of the article, which they used a red font colour for, to keep in the colour scheme of the image. The article carries on to the next page, but I just think it looks out of place here as it is just on a plain background, compared to the immense image of Liam that we can see here.
