NME Front Cover Joy Division

Hello and welcome back to the front cover analysis! In this post, we are looking at NME's front cover featuring Joy Division.
I really like the layout of this magazine cover. There is a lot on the cover but it doesn't look messy. The simple colour scheme of black, white and red looks very smart. It allows the masthead to be eye catching and the stories to fit with the colour scheme. The black and white image looks very professional and the outfit of the model is perfect. The image is simple but effective as it shows off the attitude of the band. The font in the bottom right of the cover contrasts well to the block writing at the top left. I am a big fan of this cover and I am going to try and replicate the simplicity of this design through using the right style model, costume and attitude. I will also need to think about what fonts I will be using. I don't want to use too many different fonts as this can make the front cover look messy and unstructured. I have noticed through the various covers I have looked at there is normally a smaller image in the top right of the cover, talking about an inside story. I will have to think about whether to include this or not.
