NME Front Cover LG

In this post, we will be looking at NME's front cover featuring Liam Gallagher.
I have shown you all this previously in my "Initial Ideas" blog post but this deserves to have a post for itself.
I really like the minimalist style here as there is just a masthead, image and a tagline. The image is so capturing that it doesn't need anything else. The lighting is perfect and the smoke created by the pyro creates a great background for the outlined masthead. The red glow that is created shows off the attitude that Liam has, and the way he is staring down the camera and marching towards it further shows this attitude. I really like the design of this cover, but I think this will be very hard to match as I would need to find a big studio where it would be okay for me to let off a flare. I do love the minimalist style and I am hoping to replicate this for my magazine, I just need to get the right image. The costume is also very important here as if he was say, wearing a t-shirt and a pair of joggers, all of the effect from the image would be lost. The parka and the jeans and the sunglasses just make it look spectacular. I will need to think hard about my costume choice as it needs to stand out.
