Q Contents March 2011

Hello and welcome to yet another contents review! In this post, we are looking at Q magazines 296th issue, which features many different artists.
The layout of this page is completely different to the Kerrang! Contents page I looked at in my previous blog. This one has similar amount of images but has the stories on the right hand side of the page. Although it is different, I really like it and I think the big page numbers on the images looks really nice. I also like how all the images have their own little box, but Adele is overlapping the top image just the slightest, making her the most eye-catching image, even though it isn't the largest image on the page.
I also really like the red underlines of the headlines on the right. They fit in very nicely with the red in Q's colour scheme.
However, I don't like the font used for the Issue at the top. I personally think it looks a bit bland on a otherwise stylish page. I think they could've used something a bit more fancy to really top off this contents page.
For my page, as well as having an issue number, I am also going to have the date along side it. Some magazines tend to put the date on the front cover, but some put them on the contents and I personally think it looks better on the contents. It will also help with keeping my front page minimalist. Although they have put their date at the bottom, I am going to have mine with the issue number.
I like the underlining of the headlines and I am likely to incorporate this into my magazine as it makes the contents stand out and look important, making the reader want to have a look.
I will also have a number of images across the contents page, but I am going to add a subscribe section on my contents, which is something that Q haven't added in this issue but they have in previous issues.
