Q Contents November 2013

Good evening and welcome to the final contents page review! In this post we are looking at Q magazine's contents page for November 2013.

I actually really like the layout of this page, however, I don't really like how much Alex Turner overlaps the title at the top. I think it looks quite sloppy, whereas the image in the top right looks much better as it isn't overlapping as much and looks ordered.
I really like how the contents are displayed, with a simple font for the number and headers, with quite a few lines summarising. I do really like how the review section is displayed. I think it fits in really nicely with the rest of the page. The black lines sectioning them off doesn't look out of place with the thin black font used for the summaries because it sticks with the 3 colour scheme of black, white and red.
I also like the little "Cover Story" sticker they have added to the photo of Alex Turner, as it lets the audience know what the main story in the magazine is straight away. Also, the colour change to the creamy colour at the bottom shows what the minor stories are compared to the biggest 3 in the magazine with the white background.
As for my magazine, I really like the review section going down the right hand side and will most likely incorporate something like that into my contents page as it doesn't look too flashy but is very effective at keeping in the style and eye catching with the red header at the top with the image coming out of its frame. I also much prefer having a more lengthened summary for the articles as it shows that all of the stories have some depth, and looks better than if they were to just have 1 or 2 lines. The red headers with the black text on the contents also looks very professional with the simple font, and I will replicate this in my magazine, using my primary masthead colour for the headers and black text for the numbers and summaries. As for images, I am going to include more than one but I don't know about putting an image of my cover artist in the contents page will be good, as other contents pages haven't done this.
