Q Mag Ed Sheeran Double Page Spread

Hello and welcome to the first of 5 analysis' of double page spreads! In this post, we are looking at Q magazines double page spread featuring Ed Sheeran.

Firstly, I think the layout is quite unique. I like how the picture is spread across both pages, as it provides a beautiful background, and shows off Ed's persona, with the city as the background. It shows that he is a common British guy, as he is wearing casual clothes in the city, which is how he sees himself. I like how the image is spread across both pages, as this allows me to try and capture a stunning image, I will have to make sure my model is to one side of the frame however, so I have space to add the article. I do like the idea of having the article on the right page, as I want the picture to be the first thing you see and capture the attitude of my model.

I have also noticed the placement of the headline. I think it looks very good there as it doesn't overlap on to the next page, keeping it neat and separate from the article. I do like the idea of having a quote as the headline, however I don't think I will be doing this for my magazine as I prefer the idea of having a pun or something along those lines as the headline. I will also need to choose something that I can elaborate on in the sub-heading, like the one is shown here.

I have also noticed that the right hand page is an odd number, I will have to make sure to remember that this would be the case otherwise it can lose some authenticity.

"The Lowdown" section they have in the middle of the article looks quite smart as it keeps with the banner headline that is shown at the top right of the page, and sums up the article. I think this is a nice feature, however, I think I will put a pull quote in the middle of my article. You can also see that there is only 2 columns of text. I am going to try and aim for 3 columns to have more content, and also I think that 3 columns is the normal amount of columns in a double page spread.
