What I Have Learned From Front Cover Analysis

Hello everyone, this post is to just summarise what I have learned from looking at front covers.

  • Most of the covers feature a tri-colour scheme, mostly involving black, white and 1 other main colour.
  • The artist should be staring straight down the lens
  • The masthead should be bold
  • There should be a tagline/quote from the featured artist
  • Some include a secondary featured article with another image
  • The artists clothes should match the font colours
  • The image needs to be appealing and eye-catching
  • The articles are quite informal
  • Lighting is so so important for the image, as well as the costume and background
  • The text has to be in line and ordered
Right, that's the main rules I have learned from looking at front covers, in the next posts, I will be moving onto contents pages. See you's then!
