Graham Coxon Double Page Spread

Hello and welcome to the fifth and final double page spread evaluation!
The image in this double page spread spans the entire left page. It is a close up, which allows us to see the emotion/attitude clearly presented from the artist. As you can see, he has the typical indie/rock image of not really giving a shit. I do like the idea of a close up, as it can look great if you get the right model for it who looks the part. As I have mentioned previously, I am going to span my image across 2 pages, however, I will take a few close ups just for reassurance, or if I change my mind.
I really like this headline shown here. It is a quote from Coxon, and even if you didn't know who he was, it automatically lets you know his attitude, and background just from the things he bases his life around. The green colour fits in well with the green T-shirt that is presented in the image on the left, and allows the image to link in with the article and the drop capital presented in the third column of text. I will most likely either have a quote for my headline, or include a pull quote in the article. 

Other than that, the other features presented here I have mentioned in previous articles.
