NME Contents 1st November 2008

Hello and welcome to the first of 5 contents page reviews! In this edition, we are looking at NME's contents page for the 1st of November, 2008.
First and foremost, I really like the layout of this page. It has so much content but keeps it looking very tidy and ordered. The placement of the image right in the centre is very eye catching and is the very first thing you will see. The image here is brilliant as NME knows its audience and the image includes members from The Smiths, Red Hot Chilli Peppers and Blur. They know that most of their audience like these bands and so they will purchase the magazine. As much as I like the layout, I am going to make mine have a little less content to as what is shown here. I am doing this because my front cover is going to be quite minimalist and if the following page has a lot of content, then they won't flow well.
I really like the banner-like headers that run down the right hand side. The font there looks really nice and fits well with the font used for the masthead. Again, they have a 3 colour scheme with the black, white and red which fits really nice, but they have this golden-yellow colour that contrasts brilliantly against the black background at the bottom, which is advertising their subscription offer, which will entice the audience into subscribing, if they haven't already done so. I think I will have the coloured backgrounds contrasting against the text for my headers in my contents page.
I have also noticed that the little descriptions of the articles on the right side of the page are very short, but also in line with the rest of them. The lengths do vary in lines but all finish at the end of the line (or near enough) to keep it looking neat even though they have a longer description.
