Q Mag U2 Double Page Spread

Hello and welcome to yet another analysis of a double page spread. In this post, we are looking at Q Magazine's spread for U2.
First off, the image is very striking and it looks beautiful. It captures the hear and soul of U2 and really shows off Bono's attitude to his music, they are all very passionate. The location of the seaside looks amazing and the bird flying behind them in the black and white photo looks great as it is just singular, which makes it look more emotional along with the black and white filter. The way that the band are going on as if they are performing to a sold out crowd further shows their attitude, as they are just playing to a camera, but they will still perform to the best of their ability. I'd like to shoot my double page spread image on location, as not a lot of magazines do this, but if it's done right it can look amazing as shown in the image above. I have an idea of shooting with some neon/bright lights which can look amazing if I can shoot it right.
I also like how the article is overlapped the image with a plain text box. This works well with the black and white filter as it doesn't look out of place with the black text. I like how this looks here, but I don't know if this will fit in well with my heavy emphasised coloured background. The article is split into 4 columns. I think for my magazine, I will have 3 columns slightly taller than the ones shown here as I will make my artist stand to 1 side of the image, so I have space on the other page for a whole article. I am choosing 3 columns as this is what most other magazines use. I have also noticed the drop capital at the start of the article. Almost every magazine uses this so I will have to make sure to use one that fits in with my headline font and colour. 
Although the red Q section at the top left looks very nice how it contrasts the black and white image, I am not going to go in much depth about that as I won't be including a month in music/seasonal edition of my magazine, although I do appreciate it.
The headline of "Special Delivery" works very well with this article as U2 released their album for everyone to hear, as all iPhones automatically received the album for free on Apple Music. I am going to have to think of a quirky headline for my magazine, which fits in with my characters background.
The quote above the article is something that I will take into consideration as it looks very professional with the same font as the headline. I also like how they have put "Edge" in red font to make his name stand out against the black and white background. I am going to use a sub-header on my double page spread which may well be a quote from my artist.
