Kerrang Contents Page 08/05/2010

Hello and welcome to another analysis of a contents page! In this post we are looking at Kerrang!'s contents page. Although metal isn't my genre, I think this is a very interesting contents page and I couldn't skip it.
First of all, the layout of this page is quite unique. Most contents pages aren't split horizontally into 2. I really like how this looks and the actual contents on the lower half are ordered into vertical columns which works very well. The headers with the yellow font on the black background works very well as they contrast and also fit with the "electric" vibe that Kerrang! has.
The image of Slash is very striking at the top. Not only is he dressed all in black, but they also have used a black background, with heavy lighting on him. This shows his persona as he is always seen in all black, and also shows that his music is quite dark.
I have also noticed the about the author section area on the left side of the page. I think this a nice addition, and I may add this in my magazine, depending on how much room I have left. I think it adds some professionalism to quite a hectic contents page, as it shows it is properly published and they have a big team writing stories and designing the magazine.
As for the stories, I really like the little star they have next to their cover stories, as this separates the big, popular stories from the smaller ones. There isn't actually a lot of interviews in this magazine, there is more reviews and posters, which I need to take into consideration when writing my contents.
As I mentioned, I really like the layout of this magazine and I am more than likely to use this horizontal split in my contents page, meaning I will have to go and take a very striking image to use at the top. I also like the about the author section and if I have room, I will add that to my magazine. I will also use more than 1 image on my contents, as it makes it look as if there is a lot to be seen in the magazine. I also really like the lines separating the contents, so if I use this layout, I will definitely be using them to separate my stories.
